Talented Child Artist Uses Acrylic Paint To Create Masterpieces

5 years ago

Some artists are gifted while other artists acquired the skill of painting either by their own effort or through workshops or formal training. This child defines what a naturally talented acrylic painter is. Watch him with his little fingers create the texture and depth to create the impression he wants to portray; witness how he combines colors to come up with various hues, shades and tints. Incredible work of art at the end of every creative stint.

At first, one may have the impression that a child fondly took acrylic paints and started playing with it. But wait, he will impress you with his naturally endowed acrylic painting talent. He may be under ten years old; surely under fifteen but he has an indisputably, mind-blowing way of painting using acrylic. Have you noticed that he is not using any other painting materials like painting brushes of different sizes and shapes, palette knife, scraping tools and other acrylic painting accessories? He only have acrylic paints in a plastic box and the spoon where he paints on.

Let’s take a closer look at the painting he painted while he was being videoed. First, he spread a tint of blue paint to create his painting background. Then, put a shade of blue on the upper and lower part of the spoon leaving the other parts lighter. Thereafter, he created incredible details. With several strokes – short, swift but precise, he created the waterfalls, the trees, bushes and flowers. For most acrylic painters, different brushes may be required to create these details on a painting. Yes, it is possible to create those impressions with a single type, size and shape of brush but more care is required, coupled with higher level of meticulousness.

Added to the difficulty level of what this child is doing is the fact that the material on which he is painting is small and is made of metal that is slippery. Any acrylic paint artist dealing with such fine details would agree that it is easier to paint on a wide canvas than paint on a small surface area such as a spoon. On the other hand, with the material used in making spoons, it poses a challenge on applying paint on the surface with precision in controlling its minute details. It is definitely easier to paint on the surface of a wood than on a spoon. Take a closer look at his other output – do you see difference between his artwork on the spoon as compared to his output on those wood chips? As to quality, there is no difference – all his output are worth a million applause. Of course, he can fit in more details on the wood panels since the surface area is wider.

Above all these praises for this child, a more important question remains: Who will lift a finger to help this child? There are talented kids who may touch our lives in different ways and magnitude. Some turn to be a sensation for a certain period of time – then, what’s next?

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