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HARNWELL: My prediction for 2025 is that there will be a civil war inside MAGA — and we have to win

2 months ago

VIDEO SYNTHESIS / There are decisions for the Trump Administration in the next 12 months that have the capacity to split the MAGA movement in two.

One of the first such decisions President Trump must make is regarding Ukraine.

When it comes to all unnecessary foreign entanglements, I’m an implacable No.

But there are many around the President, who have his ear, who fully subscribe to the neocon agenda — though for reasons of expedience dress up that agenda in clothes of America First rhetoric.

These people will try to sell you an inner substance of what you most oppose under the outer aspect of that which is most dear to you.

They must be fought — and they must be defeated.


Hi there folks, thanks for watching!

I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “Steve Bannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political podcast.

Follow me on the world’s greatest social media app at https://gettr.com/user/harnwell

Aired On: 01/01/25


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  • The H1B visa fight makes me wonder if MAGA is, yet again, being infiltrated from with in by RINOs and Uni Party snakes in oder to thwart MAGA and then The Swamp Globalists win again? Heads they win and tails we lose. H1b visa program needs destruction and not reform. Along with migrant deportation, there may need to be visa revoccation and repatriation.

  • President Trump is MAGA and we love him. However; MAGA is not President Trump. He did not create the belief system of MAGA; He validated it. We MAGA Americans put our faith in God, not man as man is fallible and God is not. President Trump is the 1st leader of MAGA but not our eternal leader. President Trump resurrected the remnants of the Tea Party, renamed it MAGA, gave voice to it and reorganized it for which we are very grateful; however he did not create this movement. We already existed.

  • Civil war? There are very few 2.0? Hardly Civil War? These Atheist joined in the 9th hour! President Trump is at play nice mode… Americans are not! No HB visa’s! Throw these entitled posh aside! Elon, Vivek, Dave! This is remarkably Absurd! Including Mike Johnson!

  • The H1B issue effectively shined the light on the issue. It quickly informed citizens on the issue and fueled more change need

  • funny, they are always quick to claim "cIvIL WaR" for every topic and it has never worked. we the people can disagree with the administration's ideas, that just proves to everyone in the room this movement factually isn't a cult.

  • Trump doesn't have the party, he has the people. Perfect Ben. You never cease to amaze. Happy New Year.

  • Johnson is a Benedict Arnold - He has acted Despicable & Disgusting for a Year; He bought the Liberals hook line and sinker. His advisors are 100% Rino Hes Disgusting Trump is not good at picking traitors and backstabbers

  • Johnson liberals & Rinos were 100% Psyoped by the CIA - CIA are so F.cked in the Head on Winning with Visuals - the convinced DC Rinos & Liberals Right up to past midnight - To Buy Time - theyd somehow remaster the visuals and pull off an election Fraud - CIA use the Media to Pull off Disinformation Psyops & Visuals ; However They couldnt pull it off Americans & Trumo made it too big to Rig 👉But CIA Diehards were able to steal 3 House Seats with Fraud ballot drops after Trump Won in a Landslide 👉with Johnsons Compliance weakness and ongoing "counting" - 👉Johnson Wants a Liberal Majority in the House / bcs it justies his Traitor Compliance for One Year - hes 100% Disgusting Liberal Rino - No Guts

  • No civil war, no civil unrest. Clean and swift. Q

  • As Salty Cracker said, Elon and the rest joined MAGA- we didn’t join them. They need to bend the knee!

  • MAGA "civil war" to take out the uniparty🇺🇲💪

  • I Firmly Believe Rino Speaker Johnson's Rino mindset Didnt Give Trump Maga & the American Public a Chance of beating the Liberal Rino DC CIA FBI Mafia Election Fraud Machine 👉And thats why he Obviously Completely Caved to Schumer aka Pelosi ; Not Caring a less avout Maga & the American public 👉He was thought he couod not be touched - and didnt care a less about upsetting maga or Americans 👉Exactly like the Liberals - and youve seen how shocked the Liberal Election Fraud Machine & the CIA Are

  • I disagree with there being a civil war inside MAGA. I do believe there will be a war between MAGA and the MAGAINO.

  • Oh stop 🛑!!!

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  • Exodus 14:13 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.

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