LIVE! Tue.Dec.31,'24 8pET(+5 more). MANDALAY BAY TERROR ATTACK!!

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LIVE! Tue.Dec.31,'24 8p ET, Wed.Jan1 2:10a/8:20a/2:30p/8:40p, Thu.Jan.2 2:50a
(FIRST SHOWING:) 8:00pm ET (Dec.31)
(SECOND SHOWING:) 2:10am ET (Jan.1)
(THIRD SHOWING:) 8:20am ET .
(FIFTH SHOWING:) 8:40pm ET .
(SIXTH SHOWING:) 2:50am ET (Jan.2)
Mandalay Bay Route 91 Harvest Music Festival was the worst terror attack by an active shooter in US History. 60 innocent music festival attendees were killed, over 800 seriously wounded. Shades of the Hamas terror attack on the Israeli Peace-Nova Music Festival 10-7-23!
The shooter, Steven Paddock, a wack nut Hillary and Sanders supporter, a terrorist Manchurian candidate looking, he thought, for a huge payout, and his wife, who went to her family in Philippines to set up a getaway hideout, but was never prosecuted, pulled off a horrifying mass terror shooting attack.
The weaponized FBI refused to thoroughly investigate due to its radical leftist leadership and the fact that most of the murder victims were Republicans or Trump Supporters, and because Hillary "Hitlary" Clinton, Nancy 'Nazi' Pelosi and George Soros, Nazi Billionaire, had commissioned the massacre to threaten local police against shutting down a big Soros Child Sex Slavery Club in Vegas and to mend Hitlary's psychopathic tendencies by wreaking demented revenge over her loss of the Presidential Election 2020 9 months earlier, to Trump and the Republicans. She was out for BLOOD. She got sugar Daddy Soros to pay to shed lots of blood. She is a demented Death Cultist. Bill is invested in Soros's 250 Child Sex Slavery clubs and its largest single club, after Orgy Island, is in Vegas.
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