Romanian Deep State Created the Russia Russia Russia Election Hoax

2 months ago

Gee! Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, it happened in 2016 when Donald Trump to the surprise of the Democrats and the Deep State won the presidential election. First they tried to undermine the results by trying to influence presidential electors not to vote for him in December of that year. When that failed they promoted the Russia Russia Russia election hoax by pretending that there was Trump-Russia election collusion based on the Steele Dossier that Hillary Clinton financed. Ultimately their plans failed when the much anticipated Mueller Report FAILED to reveal any Trump-Russia collusion. This past year they tried to stop Trump via lawfare and then, in ultimate desperation, bullets. Again both attempts failed.

However, in Romania their Deep State learned from this and simply CANCELLED the election with results they did not like. Meanwhile liberals in the USA are angry at themselves for not thinking of going the election cancellation route in 2016. Other establishment politicians such as in Germany are now openly expressing the desire to repeat the UNDEMOCRATIC Romanian shtick of election cancellation if a certain pro-peace party, which is opposed to continue supporting the Ukraine war, wins in their February elections.

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