Bad Habit (1937)

2 months ago

#hardarchive #classicvinyl #strictlyvinyl #vinyl #vinylrip #nostalgia #music #obscurerecords #obscurevinyl
Slims Virginia was a jazz singer and pianist in the 1930s best known for this hit single "Bad Habit". Tobacco was being rationed at the time, and as a avid smoker Slim wrote this tune to mock the new anti tobacco propaganda campaign which began to use the slogan "bad habit" to socially shame smokers. Slim was also known for carrying a custom pistol which fired cigarettes instead of bullets, which he used to shoot cigarettes into peoples mouths as he walked down the street. Terrifying and refreshing at the same time. Sit back, light up and enjoy the robust yet smooth flavor of this jazz single that says "smoke em if you got em".

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