Minneapolis, North Carolina 7 years ago before hurricane Helene.

3 days ago

In Minneapolis, North Carolina, before Hurricane Helene devastated our town and surrounding areas, I resided and attended school from kindergarten through the eighth grade. I cherish fond memories and cherished friends from those days, who hold a special place in my heart like family. Every Friday, we would gather for Bible study. From the fourth grade onward, we would embark on a delightful walk to Johnny’s store, a quaint establishment that offered simple pleasures that children of our time would never experience.
Among the esteemed educators who shaped my childhood were Ms. Grindstaff and Mr. Bill, just some of the county’s finest teachers. I still pass by the former school, which the church acquired several years ago. As the years passed, I witnessed the gradual transformation of my childhood. However, the calamity that struck on September 27, 2024, forever altered the course of our town.
For those who tragically lost everything, such as Bob and Edwin Tatum to the Griffths, my heartfelt condolences extend to you. My prayers are with all those who became family in this area and with the entire community of Avery County. We shall emerge stronger and more resilient from this adversity.

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