Title: Ep. 18 – America Rising: Targeting America

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Join us for an explosive episode where Dale Richardson sits down with Ana Toledo, a lawyer, targeted individual, and co-founder of Targeted Justice LLC. In this revealing conversation, Ana pulls back the curtain on the shadowy Targeted Individual Program, allegedly run by the United States government and other Five Eyes countries.

Ana shares her harrowing personal experiences of being targeted, detailing the covert operations, surveillance, and psychological warfare she endured. Dive deep into the heart of what many call a government weaponization against its own citizens.

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Kaysha Richardson
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Dale J. Richardson
X: https://x.com/DjsRichardson
Research: https://t.co/A5uLiVi6Cf (Paperback)
https://t.co/cY8suV1qza (Ebook)
Allmylinks: https://allmylinks.com/djsrichardson

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Substack: anatoledo.substack.com
X: @anatoledodavila

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