What is the new trade war hiding

4 days ago

What is the new trade war hiding? Why we have suddenly a dramatic increase in tariffs between China and the USA, the EU, Canada, Japan and other countries?
Are tariffs even working? Do they help domestic economies?
Are there economic reasons for this new trade war, or is something worse hiding behind it?
Learn more about this in this short movie!
00:00 - Start
00:07 - What are import tariffs?
00:13 - The role of China
00:35 - Why start a trade war?
01:42 - The real motivation

I write about sales, marketing, training and information technology. Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/SalesmanPride
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Equipment that I use in my movies:
Leeventi Teleprompter: https://leeventi-teleprompter.com/?ref=salesmanpride
Pronstoor Phone and DSLR Recording Mini Teleprompter Portable Inscriber Mobile Teleprompter Artifact Video with Remote Control: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005485951433.html
Sony ZV E10: https://www.f64.ro/sony-alpha-zv-e10-aparat-foto-mirrorless-kit-4k-ideal-vlogging/p
Zoom Q2n camera: https://www.f64.ro/zoom-q2n-handy-video-recorder/p?idsku=310091
Webcam SriHome SH004 Pro: https://www.emag.ro/camera-web-srihometm-sh004-pro-extra-fullhd-3mp-unghi-110-grade-30fps-scoala-online-anulare-zgomot-de-fond -rotire-plug-play-negru-web-sh004 / pd / DG90J7MBM /
Motorola Edge 40: https://bit.ly/47O0lvQGreen Screen: https://www.vidaxl.ro/e/8718475820871/vidaxl-sistem-de-suport-fundal-300-x-300-cm-verde
Kruger&Matz Microphone: https://www.cel.ro/microfoane/microfon-gaming-vlogging-usb-warrior-kruger-matz-negru-pMCU3MTYqNA-l/
Wireless Microphone: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005551974499.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.51.53871802l2MXB1

Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve Studio 19: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/

Screen recording and video editing software for demos:
-Wondershare Filmora Demo Creator: https://democreator.wondershare.com/

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