Pop Song 600 of 1000 'Seasons' Chris Cornell 1992

18 days ago

Pop Song 600 of 1000 'Seasons' Chris Cornell 1992

Thanks to Jason Tillery for his wonderful singing of this song on Rick Beato

Chris Cornell in studio! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwT1Q6JeB4

It was written in a time when Seattle was moving so fast….. and I just wanted to slow it all down.”
anted to slow it all down.”
The protagonist is feeling lost and unsure of himself as the seasons change. He tries to escape his troubles by sleeping with a blanket under the full moon and dreaming, but it doesn't bring him any comfort. He feels like he can't express himself with words and wonders if his partner could understand him if he let her into his world. Overall, the song is about feeling lost and disconnected from the world.

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