“The Immigration Invasions Are Catholic-Jesuit Controlled“

10 days ago

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“The Immigration Invasions Are Catholic-Jesuit Controlled

Mr. Mario Guido Friggieri was appointed Refugee Commissioner on the 28th June, 2007. He succeeded Mr Charles Buttigieg who was the first Maltese Refugee Commissioner, since the 1st January, 2002.

Mr Friggieri was born on the 5th December, 1951. He studied at St Aloysius College, from 1962 to 1968 after attending the Balzan/Lija Government Primary School. He joined the Jesuit Order in 1968. During the thirty years that he was a Jesuit, he studied in Italy and Belgium and his other studies and work entailed stays in other countries such as the United Kingdom, India and Libya. In Malta, he was a teacher at the St Philip Neri School (for children with special social problems), and at St Aloysius College itself, where he was a teacher for many years, a member of the...“

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