The Christmas Story

2 months ago

The Christmas story, a fireside chat, as told by an old Pastor.

Once upon a time long ago, in a city called Nazareth there was a young beautiful girl named Mary who was engaged to a man named Joseph. He was a good man, strong and he honored God. He was a carpenter and made feed troughs for the sheep.

One day when Mary was alone in her house, an angel came in and spoke to her, saying; “Rejoice highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.” The angle was bright as the stars!

When Mary saw the angel, she was afraid! She never seen anything like this before. Her mind was racing, “I wonder what he wants?” as she crouched down in her chair trying to hide behind a water pitcher on the table.

“Do not be afraid Mary, God really loves you! You are going to have a baby boy, and you will name Him Jesus. He will be a great King and set many people free. He will heal the sick, restore sight to the blind and teach people how to love one another. He will be a shepherd to His people. His Kingdom will have no end.”

Mary had a cousin named Elizabeth who was also pregnant. Mary decided to go visit Elizabeth and on the way there she walked by some sheep. It was a long walk and it was getting dark. The stars were coming out.

Mary heard voices in the dark and she looked around and saw shepherds looking for their sheep. Soon after, Mary arrived at Elizabeth’s house.

Elizabeth was pregnant and she too, was expecting a baby boy. He would be called John the Baptist. When Mary walked into the house she said “Hello Elizabeth!” and the baby in her tummy leaped for joy! Elizabeth and the baby were filled with the Holy Spirit.

The angel Gabriel had prophesied to Zacharias, Elizabeth’s husband, that John would be great and walk in the spirit and power of Elijah and turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. He would help prepare people to receive Jesus into their hearts.

Gabriel is the angle who will blow the trumpet at the return of Jesus! Today we celebrate the birthday of Jesus, but we also look with great anticipation to His Second Coming.

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