The Year In Review Will Have To Focus On The Greatest Political Comeback In History

2 days ago

The year in review will have to focus on the greatest political comeback in history. The networks will be the Jimmy Carter networks for the next couple of days to avoid the year in review.
Everyone is freaking out over the H1B visas. It was just two weeks ago the entire republican house conference gave Vivek and Elon a standing ovation.
They want you to remember the peace deal with Egypt, Habitat for Humanity, and when he was governor he said that the racial divide was over in GA. The media is talking about Jimmy Carter going around the world to promote fair, secure elections. We got Ronald Reagan from Jimmy Carter.
They want you to believe that Jimmy Carter was a big part of America’s soul, environmentalists saw one of their own when Jimmy installed solar panels on top of the white house to heat hot water, Jimmy Carter’s environmental legacy set the foundation for today’s climate action… Carter encouraged alternative sources of energy.
The control that you live in today and the energy that you use and the department of behavior (education). The department of energy was formed in 1977, employing 15K people, $31B budget. It was started in the aftermath of the 1973 oil crisis. It sponsors more physical science research than any other US federal agency. The goal of promoting energy conservation and energy independence and developing alternative energy sources to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
Oct 17, 1979 Jimmy Carter started the Department of Education (department of behavior), $238.4B budget with 4K employees.
The people that pitched these two departments to Jimmy Carter knew what they would do to this country. The democrats are shameless evil people.
Biden doesn’t remember Jimmy Carter. We have not had a president for 4 years, we have been run by committee. Diane Feinstein was wheeled in to cast a vote.

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