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A Fresh Start

2 months ago

Are you ready for a fresh start? Life often brings moments when we need to realign our hearts, rediscover our purpose, and recommit to walking in God’s will. In this sermon, “A Fresh Start,” we explore the foundation of creation and how it mirrors God’s desire to bring order, light, and renewal to our lives.
Ecclesiastes 8:2-4 reminds us to honor God’s authority and not hastily step out of His presence. Just as God created the world through His Word (Genesis 1:1-11), He speaks into the chaos of our lives to bring clarity and purpose. His Word is supreme, bringing life and light (John 1:1-5, Psalm 33:6-9).
A fresh start begins by abiding in God’s presence and aligning with His will, allowing us to walk in the power of the Spirit (2 Peter 1:3, Ephesians 4:22-24). When we yield to Him, we are renewed in our minds and empowered to live in true righteousness and holiness.
Finally, we are given authority and purpose through Christ. Just as the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 recognized the power of Jesus’ Word, we, too, are called to live by faith, trusting His authority and standing firm in our God-given position.
This is your invitation to let God speak over your life and bring the renewal you need. It’s time to embrace “A Fresh Start.”


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