BREAKING: Steve Bannon Blasts H1-B Visa Program as "Complete Scam" Rooted in "Hatred

3 days ago

War Room Host Vows Fierce Opposition to Program, Rallies MAGA Base

[News Description]
In a passionate broadcast from his RAV show "War Room," Steve Bannon launched a scathing critique of the H1-B visa program, characterizing it as not merely a financial scheme but a system with "dark underpinnings." The former Trump strategist addressed his audience with unwavering conviction, connecting the visa program to broader concerns about American sovereignty and citizen rights.

Bannon emphasized the continuing strength of the MAGA movement, referencing their resilience during the 2020 election challenges and subsequent events of 2021. While acknowledging Elon Musk's contributions to recent political victories, he maintained clear disagreements on key issues including immigration policy and relations with China.

The War Room host concluded with a definitive statement of resistance, declaring that opponents would have to "climb over our dead bodies" to achieve their goals, emphasizing his movement's commitment to what he terms "our beloved Republic

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