CCP Has Many Ways in Which It Can Close Down the Panama Canal

18 days ago

12/28/2024 Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordon Chang discusses China’s influence in the Panama Canal region: They're deep in the canal zone. They've got port operations at both ends of the canal, they have several bridges across the canal, and those port facilities and Chinese state enterprises were dual use. So China has many ways in which it can close down the Panama Canal to make the choke point unavailable to the U.S..
#PanamaCanal #CCPinfluence #Geopolitical #US #CCP #port
12/28/2024 门石研究所高级研究员章家敦点评中共对巴拿马运河区的影响力:中共对运河区的影响非常深。他们在运河两端都运营有港口,在运河上建有多座桥梁,而且那些港口设施和中共国企都具有军民两用用途。因此中共有多种方式可以关闭巴拿马运河,以使该咽喉要道无法为美国所用。
#巴拿马运河 #中共影响力 #地缘政治 #美国 #中共 #港口

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