Major attack is being prepared on Russia's bases in Syria, situation is getting hard for Russians

2 months ago

US and British intelligence services are preparing terrorist attacks on Russian bases in Syria, according to the press bureau of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service. According to the report, the outgoing US administration and British leadership, after the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, aim to prevent the stabilization of the situation in this country. On a broader scale, they set the task of maintaining a state of chaos in the Middle East, the statement says.
Furthermore, the agency notes that "Washington and London believe that under such conditions, they will be able to achieve their own geopolitical goal more quickly - ensuring their long-term dominance in the region. However, this is hindered by Russia's military presence on Syria's Mediterranean coast, which continues to be a significant factor in regional stability," the report notes.
Recall, the situation in Syria was among the many subjects that Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed during his marathon press conference on Dec. 19. In answer to questions from Keir Simmons of NBC News, Putin denied that what happened in Syria was a defeat for Russia. Instead, he portrayed it as being something of a success.Putin stated, “We came to Syria ten years ago to prevent the creation of a terrorist enclave there,” and that, “We have achieved that goal, by and large.”
According to Putin, “the groups that were fighting against the Assad regime … back then have undergone internal changes,” and thus, “It is not surprising that many European countries and the United States are trying to develop relations with them now. Would they be doing this if they were terrorist organizations?” What is interesting is that the fact that Western governments are talking to the victorious forces in Syria is portrayed by Putin as proof that they are no longer terrorists. Putin then said, “This means that they have changed, doesn’t it? So, our goal has been achieved, to a certain degree.” Putin, then, seems to be taking credit for having changed these groups. But how? Perhaps Russia’s having bombed them previously somehow turned them into moderates.
Putin went on to deny that Russia had deployed “any ground forces in Syria; they simply were not present there.” The Russian presence, he said, “consisted solely of two bases: an air base and a naval base.” He stated that “there is no secret” that the Syrian armed forces were aided by “certain pro-Iranian combat units.”

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