The H-1B Visa Debate

2 months ago

It's a hot topic that's "divided MAGA world," a "program the swamp loves," and unsurprisingly, has corporate media "spewing D.C. talking points" — Rob Schmitt unpacks the debate over foreign labor via H-1B visas.

It is like The Twilight Zone over on 𝕏 with the amount of Patriots who have gone into full “agree with me or else” mode.

That is a Communist tactic, is it not?

There are two sides to this disagreement over H-1B Visas, and both sides have some very good points.

However, if we remove emotion from the equation, the answer probably lies somewhere in the middle.

The timing of this forced discussion could not be any more perfect, considering that the new Trump Administration is going to carry out the largest mass deportation in history.

Most people on the left still have no understanding of immigration laws and why they are imperative for our survival.

Elon has intentionally ruffled feathers with some of his comments, knowing full well that many people would let their emotions take over, making this discussion go viral so the fake news would be forced to cover it.

That is exactly what has happened.

Now, everyone is talking about legal immigration, educating people, while also destroying the fake narrative that Trump is against immigration.

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