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mRNA distribution and toxicity

2 months ago

mRNA "vaccine" biodistribution, persistence, and adjuvant toxicity library



Research collection presents 54 peer-reviewed studies documenting,

the wide distribution of “vaccine” mRNA and the associated spike protein,

throughout human beings and animal test subjects.

These articles confirm that “vaccine” mRNA and spike protein can reach tissues and organs including,

heart, liver, brain, lungs, placenta, umbilical cord, breast milk, lymph nodes, thymus, kidneys, spleen, bladder, large intestine, eyes, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, bone marrow, skin, lacrimal glands, appendix.

Australian Government Department of Health—Therapeutic Goods Administration


The concentration of radioactive lipid marker reached the peak level in plasma between 1 – 4 h post-dose and distribution mainly into liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries over 48 h

Also listed as tissue distribution positive

Adrenal glands, bladder, femur, brain, eyes, heart, kidneys, colon, small intestine, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, ovaries, pancreas, pituitary gland, spinal cord, spleen, stomach, testes, thyroid, uterus
Other useful section from TGA publication

Journal of Immunology


Results demonstrated induction of circulating exosomes expressing spike protein on day 14 after vaccination

Intramyocardial Inflammation after COVID-19 Vaccination: An Endomyocardial Biopsy-Proven Case Series


A comprehensive histopathological analysis of EMBs from 15 patients with reduced ejection fraction and the clinical suspicion of myocarditis following vaccination with,

Comirnaty® (Pfizer-BioNTech) (n = 11)

Vaxzevria®(AstraZenica) (n = 2)

Janssen® (Johnson & Johnson) (n = 2).

Immunohistochemical EMB analyses reveal myocardial inflammation in 14 of 15 patients,

with the histopathological diagnosis of active myocarditis (n = 2), severe giant cell myocarditis
(n = 2) and inflammatory cardiomyopathy (n = 10).

Importantly, infectious causes have been excluded in all patients.

The expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within the heart and the dominance of CD4+ lymphocytic infiltrates indicate an autoimmunological response to the vaccination.

Long-lasting, biochemically modified mRNA, and its frameshifted recombinant spike proteins in human tissues and circulation after COVID-19 vaccination


It was also originally estimated that recombinant spike proteins generated by mRNA vaccines would persist in the body for a few weeks.

In reality, clinical studies now report that modified SARS-CoV-2 mRNA routinely persist up to a month from injection,

and can be detected in cardiac and skeletal muscle at sites of inflammation and fibrosis,

while the recombinant spike protein may persist 187 days in blood.

Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike?


Both vaccine-derived SARS-CoV-2 S protein mRNA and the resulting S protein exhibit a complex pharmacology and undergo systemic disposition.

Taken as a whole, evidence strongly supports the possible link between inappropriate expression of S protein in sensitive tissues and subsequent tissue damage.

Case of a woman suffering from Moderna-COVID-19-vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia

with 10 ng/mL vaccine-induced S protein levels in plasma 10 days after vaccination,

nearly 100 times higher than those reported previously,

suggesting excessive vaccine-induced production of S protein as a determinant of vaccine toxicity.

A comprehensive review of the literature recently discussed the role of COVID-19-mRNA-vaccine-induced S protein in adverse effects following vaccination,

a major explanation of adverse effects following COVID-19 vaccination could well be that mRNA vaccines induce in selected individuals’ excessive production of S protein,

for too long and/or in inappropriate tissues and organs,

and this occurrence is at present unpredictable.