Back Room Healing: Full Metal Ox Day 1405

2 days ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1405
Friday 03, January 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1470
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, or Minds.

Back Room Healing

"Bugsy sent me."

I wasn't alive in this vessel during prohibition in the United States between about 1920 & 1933. However, I've seen enough movies to get the gist of the back room salon, of gambling room. You had to be connected and vetted to get in because anyone who engaged in these activities, including a little commercial amour, (which you don't hear much about in documentaries) was engaging in illegal activities. What they don't know, won't hurt your business.

Your humble vagabond is of the mind & imagination that forces, (I'll come up with a name for them some time this year, remind me,) have targeted a large percentage of the global human population for extermination. I'll share my suspicions in the back room. Ego could be wrong and all of the genocides, pandemics, wars, and natural disasters of the last thousand years might just be a coincidence. Acts of "God," so to speak. Even if Nature is behind this extinction conspiracy, there are still a few rules that must be followed. They are cosmic laws that cannot easily be "hacked" by humans or nature.

Death comes after the sick & the weak first, just like any plains predator. Death must also clean up its mess. What do you think the society would look like if a billion people croaked within a week's time? Another billion might die of fright!

Anyway, this is looking like it could be a rant. Maybe I should take notes for later.

Oh yeah... the point. Health and wellness could very well become "criminalized" (at least talking about it on social media) during the second half of this decade, so we're building a behind the scenes channel where we can share our experiences coming back from the edge, along with some other topics, with a dedicated audience. It's still under construction and the "show" is going to be similar in format to what we have going on now, until it's not.

(I personally like the way I do it. So we'll keep it rolling.)

More info will be rolled out as we get better at what we do. If at all possible We-the-Trinity, Heart & Ego, will be even more grateful. Plus we will probably be able to communicate in a less a "public" atmosphere.

Heal today. Affirm today. Then do it all again tomorrow, too.

Today's Episode:

Supporting with Venmo (@noxsoma) helps to sustain the project.

Subscribe on Global Healing Initiative & Longevity Strategies [Noxsoma Life Camp 2.0]

SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
YouTube channel:

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 11] Winter Wonder Jamm. We started focusing on the chest. Still early in the game. We will likely add this to our Substack & Patreon channels as well.

Park Session 01 (Moonday) Pull Ups in the Park -

Triple Play Day 3 (Saturday) -

Squats Bench Discipline E-120 (Friday) -

Chest Sandwich & Legs E-119 (Thursday) -

First Day Nu Discipline Chest Bomb E-118 (Tuesday) -

Participation Trophy Episode 117 (Saturday) -

Friday Leg Bomb Episode 116 -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

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