Emily Duggan | EP 132 | Confronting Trudeau and the Ensuing Backlash

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In this episode, we reconnect with Emily Duggan, a courageous mom and school board candidate from Kootenay Lake, who recently made waves after confronting Prime Minister Trudeau with a bold message. Emily discusses the backlash she’s faced, the smear campaign targeting her, and how her stance against the trans agenda has put her in the spotlight.

🤝You can reach our guest on:
Rumble: @MomsAgainstTheNorm
Email: momsagainstthenorm@gmail.com
Twitter/X: @MomsNorm33970

🔗Link to my latest interview with Melanie Bennet: https://rumble.com/v5pna8e-melanie-bennet-ep-71-british-canadian-melanie-bennet-on-the-uk-riots.html

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