Clueless Biden Has Trouble With Questions In St. Croix - Look Who Comes To His Aid

18 days ago

Posted • December 29, 2024: Joe Biden is in St. Croix until New Year's on yet another vacation on the taxpayer dime. As we reported, he's staying at the home of donors — a beachfront home that costs $900 a night. Biden has already raised questions by previously not reporting the free use of the house on his ethical forms as he's supposed to. If he were named Justice Clarence Thomas, the left would be all over this, but because Biden has the magical "D" after his name, the left doesn't seem to care, and it's all cool. Biden had reportedly taken Jill and his daughter Ashley with him. But when he ventured out to church and was leaving, reporters caught someone else there with him — his son Hunter, who he pardoned for anything criminal he might have done over the span of 11 years earlier this month. That pardon, of course, helped not just Hunter, but anything that might involve any of the alleged foreign influence peddling that could touch Joe Biden himself.

Recently pardoned Hunter Biden spotted in St. Croix leaving church with his father -- Gee, what a surprise. Why didn't they report Hunter was going on the trip? And did he get a free ride from his father to the island as he has from him on so many other trips? How many other family members/friends did they take? A reporter asked about Vladimir Putin apologizing to the Azerbaijani president for the downing of their commercial airliner. While apologizing, Putin did not take responsibility for hitting the plane with Russian missiles. The reporter asked a simple question, "Mr. President, should Putin take responsibility for the plane crash?" -- Biden: "Apparently he did, but I haven't spoken to my team." -- leaving church St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands. Biden looks completely clueless and doesn't seem to understand what the reporter is saying.

If you look closely, it looks like the Secret Service agent is telling Biden what they are asking him. It's only then that Biden responds, "Apparently, he did, but I haven't spoken yet with my team." Well, no, Putin didn't take responsibility, as we reported. And wouldn't that have been a top priority to be advised on and discuss immediately — that is, if Biden were truly in charge? And he doesn't have an opinion to offer unless he speaks to his team? Does he not know what to say without their notes? That's the implication of that response, and he doesn't even realize it. A reporter also asked about a "hostage update," but Biden turned away and ignored it. So much for the American hostages who have been held for more than a year. Notice Biden got more help from Hunter, who was trying to pull Joe away from the reporters to the car, saying, "Dad!" (…)

• More at: RedState - Clueless Biden Has Trouble With Questions in St. Croix - Look Who Comes to His Aid
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