One Dog Enjoys Watching Birds On Laptop While The Other One Is Totally Unimpressed

6 years ago

Watch this video where two German Shorthaired Pointer dogs are captured. The incredible thing about the video is that one of the dogs is totally captivated watching videos of birds on the laptop while the other dog has a very bored face. It seems that these dogs, despite being the same breed, have completely different personalities.

This beautiful dog is very interested in what he is watching and does not want anyone to interrupt him exploring these documentaries with birds. On the other hand, the other dog that is on the other end of the sofa, looks very boring, almost on the verge of falling asleep. Both of their faces are so funny. Come on, folks! What's going on? We think neither of you is acting like a dog. They look like a couple of humans on a boring Sunday, spending the afternoon watching Discovery Channel documentaries.

Where does this dog’s interest for birds come from? This dog does not even blink to see the screen of the laptop. Friend relax! Your partner wants you to spend a little time with him, he's having a hard time without your attention!

The other dog seems very bored and angry about not sharing the same taste for birds as his mate. Surely this one will think that his partner has spent so much time with humans that it is already becoming one. Behind that angry face, there is a puppy screaming: Get off that pesky computer and let's go to to the playground!

This dog addicted to technology can learn to use the computer at any time and with his paw he drags the scroll on the laptop to find his own videos of birds. If this were to happen too often, our friend "the angry" would have to look for another playmate (who does not like bird documentaries).

Possibly this is one of the funniest videos you'll see, because of the attitude that both dogs have during filming. They are both strong characters! These dogs need a human to throw a ball to see if they will show a proper reaction.

The author or owner of that bird video may not know that his visitor counter counts views of a dog fond of birds. Just imagine this puppy solving a captcha “Are you a robot”? DO NOT! I'm a dog.

We are sure that this dog is unique, and we are certain, too that he will love if his owners adopt a bird in the family; That's how we would spend hours watching her. It would be like knowing your idol in person. Sir birdie gives me your autograph, please! Woof, arf, bow wow, ruff ... (and the angry one rolls his eyes)

If you liked the video as much as we did and it provoked a smile on your face do not hesitate to like it. By the way, are you a human? Are you not another pet watching videos of dogs? Just kidding! Do not keep the video just for you, share it on your social networks, so that more people will have the opportunity to see it and to make more people smile. Maybe it's the funniest thing they’ll see today. Enjoy it!

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