A Baby Boy Makes Funny Faces When His Mom Tightens Up His Baby Seat

6 years ago

Why are babies so cute and at the same time smart? When we think of babies, we don't really think any of them at all because they are just so cute and so pure all the time! So when we see them do something that is out of the ordinary, we are somehow captivated by them. In this video, you will see what I mean! This cute baby not only reacts to his mother's voice but makes the mom and dad burst into laughter. He is not doing anything extraordinary, but the simple gestures provoke the parents into laughter and have a great time!

The video starts right at the moment when the cute baby is there sitting in his baby car seat with his seatbelt on and making a cute and funny face. His mother goes, "Let's tighten you up!", reaches for the seatbelt and then the baby tenses his whole body up while tightening up his cute face! This makes the mother laugh, so yes does it again, and the baby responds with the same gesture again. After the second time the mother and baby do this, Mom and Dad burst into laughter. A laughter that sounds like they are seeing the funniest but cutest thing ever! A laughter that is so contagious it makes me smile and laugh! You need to watch the video so you can see what I mean. The baby and the parents laughing will make your day!

As everyone knows, safety is very important. Safety should be a priority for everyone, especially when driving. You need to use your seatbelts when driving. There is a great saying where I live from the police department that goes, "Click It or Ticket!". I think that needs no explanation. And its intent is not to bully people, it is to remind us to use our seat belts and drive safe! So when we practice this safety measure, and when we teach our kids and others about the safety of using seat belts, we are creating a better environment for everyone. Watching this video of the baby making funny gestures about his seatbelt brings happiness to his parent because they know that their baby is learning something very important. If more parent would teach do this and teach their children about being safe at all times, it would be better for everyone.

This video should be shared with everyone on social media. It has the potential to make people's day and somehow bring awareness of wearing seatbelts! The baby should become a meme if possible. His cute facial gestures let me know he is enjoying himself making his parent laugh. So if you have 30 seconds of your time to spare, don't miss this video. Watch it today when you get the chance and share it with your friends and family on social media, email, whatever you use to share, but help make other people's day by sharing this cute and funny video! You will not be disappointed. LOL!

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