When I Worked For The Drug Industry, Science Was Completely Abandoned.

4 days ago

"I'm making these drugs. They're proving deadly in our labs. They're proving deadly in other labs."
Shane Ellison, Chemist

"When I Worked For The Drug Industry, Science Was Completely Abandoned."

"Big pharma has the best marketing department in the world. Geniuses. You simply pay to report that the study showed positive results. You're paying them, you're buying science."

"Big Pharma Is A Business Model That Allows You To Give A Drug To A Person For Life."

The drug companies design drugs based on treating symptoms, the drugs never cure.

The next level of drug advertising, to gain maximum profit, is INVENTING disease.

When you run out of symptoms, you run out of patients. For psychiatric medications, you can invent diseases all day long.

There are endless disease names that can be invented to create more symptom classification for which the next approved drug supposedly treats.

It's a well-documented fact that adverse prescription drug effects & other medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America. Adverse drug events harm 2.7 million hospitalized patients in the U.S. annually, with over 125,000 deaths.

No matter how many die or are harmed by adverse side effects, Big Pharma just continues to double down on more marketing, more commercials featuring dancing paid actors singing the praises of the latest drug.

Hypnotize them & drug them is their only goal.

Getting Metabolically healthy & staying Metabolically healthy has never been more critically important in history.

Focusing on single ingredient whole nutrient dense foods. Prioritizing healing animal foods. Sun exposure. Exercise. Eliminating industrial seed oils, excess carbs, added sugars, avoiding toxins & chemicals. Implementing natural cures for acute & chronic illness.

👇3rd Leading Cause Of Death Are Prescriptions👇
Speaker: Shane Ellison thepeopleschemist.com
Author of numerous books on natural cures

Video: @anthonygjay
Source: https://x.com/valerieanne1970/status/1872899293067010335

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