Digital ID Australia. Mobile Drivers License "MDL'S" ISO 18013. = Revelation 13:18.

18 days ago

In preparation for the 21 events of Revelation that are coming.
7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls, vials. Within a 42 Month period.

The New World Order has prepared some what.

Obama is bringing in the Biblical End Of Days and his False Prophet Pope Francis.

ISO 84 Climate change. 61 Pages. Obama born 8.4.1961.

ISO 42 Net Zero. Revelation 13:5 = 42 Months of coming Great Tribulation.
2028 - 2031.

ISO 18013 costs 216 Swiss francs.

Biometric update website.

Recent article on adoption of ISO18013 for the Global rollout of 666/216 Digital ID'S.

Look at what life is like for those in Kuwait if you don't want the Digital ID.
It's game over for them. My sympathies. It's coming GLOBALLY. Prepare mentally, physically, spiritually.

Get a Evidence bible a King James Bible today.

Make peace with God.

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