Mating pair of blue-footed boobies greet affectionately in Galapagos Islands

2 months ago

This mating pair of blue-footed boobies live on South Seymour Island in the Galapagos. They are among the most iconic animals in the world, recognized as being found only here. They nest on land but they live most of their lives on the cliffs and rocks at the water's edge, feeding on schools of fish as they are chased to the surface by predators. Flocks of boobies ascend high over the water and then dive in unison to catch their prey below. A large, synchronized dive is a spectacle to see!
Boobies get their name, not from the closely related English word, but from the Spanish word "bobo" due to their clownlike behaviour and appearance. They are generally seen as slow witted birds and clumsy in their walk. But blue-footed boobies are highly skilled flyers and graceful swimmers.
Boobies engage in courtship dances where the males display their brightly coloured feet and sometimes present the female with sticks for her nest. The more intensely coloured their feet are, the more successful they will be in a mating attempt.

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