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When You Anchor onto God’s LOVE the World is Your OYSTER!
Why Did a Spiritual God Create a Material World - Rabbi Simon Jacobson
WTF, it is the ZIOPIGS that is the culprit so don't blame it on God just like Lee Kuan Yue said that if there is a God why this world is in such a sad state. It is so because many people had sold their souls to the devils and sad to say they are manipulated by the ZIOPIGS=Satan!!
Nikola Tesla "LOST" Interview: "Visualization is the SECRET"
We can also water the other energies such as positive mental energy found in the music of Bach or Mozart or in the verses of the great poets. Inside the Earth, there are energies of joy, peace and love that are expressed, for example, that grows from the earth, food that comes out of it and everything that makes it the home of man. I spent years looking for ways that this energy could influence people. The beauty and aroma of the roses can be used as a medicine and the sun's rays as food. Life has an infinite number of form and the duty of scientists is to find them in all forms of matter. Three things are essential in this regard. All I do is look for them. I know I will not find them. I will not give them up.
Journalist - What are these things?
One problem is food.
What energy, stellar or terrestrial, can feed the hungry of the earth? With what wine can thirst be watered so that people can cheer their heart and understand that they are gods?
Since I was young I visualized this world is our paradise. I know it is hard to achieve but I will not give up that we could not bring this World to Oneness. On 20th February 2002 I have given birth to World Harmony Day and I know it will be a reality under God’s time as Nikola Tesla said "Visualization is the SECRET"
"The Spirit of God is Not What You Think" | Nikola Tesla
"The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentre our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible - Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was born and lived as an Orthodox Christian. He was devout in his belief in Christ.
Science and technology are fine but with God by your side you will be riding high.
This story makes me question the truth and control in this world. Are we being kept from secrets that even we don’t fully understand?
I already know the power of the human mind because my teacher shared this secret with us. The power of the 3rd eye=Consciousness=God this is the channel to reach God and that is how spiritual being communicate with Him like Trump Angel Chong Sun Wah. It is not that I am smart but because since I was young my mother and teacher had shared these strength or power with me. My mother said that the elites will not want us to have this power so that they can control us.
The #1 Secret Jesus Never Told You REVEALED by Pope Francis
My teacher told us Christians need middlemen to reach God but for Islam there is no middlemen because Muslims connect directly with Allah. My teacher also let us know that as long as we stay on the spiritual path of love and compassion which is God all about, we can reach our diviness to God. But if you choose the capitalist path to success not only you cannot connect with God but will lose yourself not knowing the purpose of our existence.
Forbidden Knowledge: Why The Gospel of Mary Was Banned!
Mary is Right!!!! I became saved at my house, no church, nobody just....
All Jesus, All knowledge
John 14;6, repent, follow Jesus have Faith, Ask for Faith, increase Trust, supplication Book of Life Amen Thank you Jesus Christ Amen
What is found in the Gospel of Mary is the essence of what I myself have come to believe after a lifetime of asking God to guide me to what is true and consistently reading spiritual sources of all kinds, and having this understanding confirmed in multiple ways and sources. God is the One who guides, and if you rely on and ask for help from God, then you can find AND EXPERIENCE the truth.
Once you've grasped this, as you rely on God alone to guide you, then more and more will be revealed to you. You can raise your frequency and vibration, and rise up closer to God. This is the reason behind God being called 'The Most High'. From there, like standing on a skyscraper instead of the road below, you can see more of the enormous picture that exists. Then you can go higher, like a satellite and see even more of the picture, then more and more as you put into action what you learn. Our world and lives are so much more interesting and mysterious than most people know. If you spend your time pursuing a connection with God, you can have experiences that will leave you no doubt about what you learn. Don't let the routine, difficulties, and distractions in the world hold you down! Rise up!
Very sad to say most people don’t know they have a soul. Why is it so? Because paper money is their ‘god’. When you can’t feel your soul=your spiritual partner how can you feel God?
My teacher told us our most important asset is our soul don’t ever leave it behind or let anyone rob you of your soul. When you lose your soul you will lost your sanity. You are a soul a child of God. It is soul first then child 2nd because soul is spiritual and chid is physical. When spirituality is not part of you, this mean you are a half person and forever can’t reach God and have harmony within.
Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman.
Her perspective, faith, and support will change his reality. If she doesn't challenge you, then she's no good for you. Men who want to stay ordinary will tell you not to have expectations of them. Men who want to be great will expect you to push them, pray with them and invest in them.
- Source Unknown
President Xi on Soul
"A country, or a nation, cannot be devoid of soul," Xi said, adding that the mission of workers in culture, literature, art and philosophy and social sciences is to nurture the root and soul of the nation.
The Last Hurdle for Humanity and the Collective Consciousness
The time has come for humanity to heal its connection with the Soul of the Earth and the Soul of God within. This is the hurdle that humanity faces before it can enter the new Earth frequencies. Humanity’s disconnect with the universe has created an age based on a false reality / false program that is not sustainable in the near future.
Donald Trump Shocks the World: Why the Ethiopian Bible Is Banned!
Finally, revealing the Ethiopian Bible is just the 1st of many truths! Evil & lies are being exposed!
Nice to see that both U.S.A. and Russia superpower nations are interested in the Ethiopian Bible. Also nice to see more interest from the general public.
Truth will liberate. Falsehood will enslave. Why does the "vicar of Christ" allegedly hide the truth in vaults is the question. Jesus never hid the truth but openly fulfilled it.
The Truth About Ethiopia in the Bible: Ethiopia in Biblical Prophecies
I can hardly believe all of this history has been hidden!!!! It’s so sad
We Ethiopians God is our hope.
Me too, God is not only our hope God is our life because without God we are Nothing in this world!!
The Ethiopian Book of Adam and Eve contains a story about Melchizedek that describes him as the son of Canaan and a chosen one of God:
Noah tells his son Shem to care for Melchizedek after Adam's body is brought to Jerusalem.
The angel Michael anoints Melchizedek as a priest and takes him to Jerusalem.
The Holy Spirit greets Melchizedek as "the first-created of God".
Shem brings bread and wine to the altar where Melchizedek offers them.
Melchizedek remains under the angel's protection until Abraham meets him.
Melchizedek is also mentioned in other sources, including:
The Zohar
Some say that Melchizedek refers to the "King Who rules with complete sovereignty". Others say that "Melchizedek" refers to the lower world, and "king of Salem" refers to the upper world.
2 Enoch
Melchizedek is considered the grandson of Lamech and a continuation of the priestly line from Methuselah.
The Bible
Melchizedek appears in Genesis 14:18–20, Psalms 110:4, Psalms 76:1-2, and Exodus 3:12-15.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Melchizedek Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13 describes how Abraham gave a tenth of his spoils to Melchizedek.
What's the EVIDENCE of God? Vedanta's Ultimate Truth
My teacher told us just look at the Universe in our spiritual eyes and you will feel God’s present.
Who Created God? | Unveiled
Who Created God? The Upanishads' Astonishing Answer
"If God Created Us Then Who Created God"- Best Answer
Well, the answer is both simple and mind-blowing: God wasn't created. The Bible, particularly in Revelation 1:8, is crystal clear on this. God says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." He's saying, "I'm eternal. I have no beginning, no end. I just am."
My teacher had no answer for us who had created God but she wanted us to focus on God’s love for humanity. She shared with us the power of Belief and when you look at the Universe you can feel the present of God Almighty. In short, she said that when you believe there is a God you don’t question His existence but embraced His love for humanity. Don’t focus on Religion just focus on Universal Love and compassion that is what God is all about.
You Have To See This! Our History IS NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations
Where Did The Bible Come From?
The Bible is NOT about GOD! Are They Still Controlling US? Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis. Full Box-Set
For those wondering, I found it thoroughgoing and vigorously intellectual, not a bit sensationalized and quite compelling from an argumentative standpoint. Bravo!
I was a Jehovah’s witness for 35 years oh my goodness I finally got out of that colt organization I'm so happy but it was very difficult.
Excellent teachings. I have followed Mauro for many years now and i am so grateful for his correct scripture translations that we can all check for ourselves. The false Bible story sadly has deceived millions of people and is still being taught in churches today.
When We Lived with the Elohim | Enoch, Nephilim, 200 Watchers, Biblical Apocrypha. Mauro Biglino Eng
I cannot recommend 2 of Mauro's books enough. The Naked Bible and The Gods of The Bible. 2 books anyone interested in these kinds of topics should read. Well written and concise. Kudos.
Sam Shamoun SHUTS DOWN Orthodox Jew LYING About His God
Orthodox Jew doesn’t understand the Hebrew Torah......Sam gud education for Jews.
The Hebrew the Zios introduced into occupied Palestine is NOT the same as the original Hebrew the Bible uses
Did Jesus Worship Yahweh? This Information Is Key! Finally, We Can Understand! Paul Wallis Q & A
Brilliant discussion, Paul. You're a master at conveying complex concepts in clear, accurate terms.
Paul explaining Plato’s cave allegory made me think of what Christ said in the Book of Thomas, "The seeker should not stop until he finds. When he does find he will be disturbed. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished. Then he will reign over everything.” [Having reigned, he will rest.]
This is important to get out because The True Way of The man called Jesus is being ignored today. The way of Kindness and love is the True Way of Jesus 😇
Jesus & Aliens in the Bible: The Hidden Truth in the New Testament - Paul Wallis
Paul Wallis embodies a spirit of genuine authenticity, free from any hidden agendas. His approach consistently reflects a deep respect for diverse perspectives, offering insights meant to elevate and unify humanity. In contrast, Wes appears to have an agenda that colors his interactions. Observing Mr. Wallis over time reveals a steadfast commitment to sharing wisdom that fosters growth and understanding, rather than division. Engaging in a debate would likely amplify the fractures created by religious dogma, further distancing us from the harmony we seek as a collective. Love and light for Mr. Wallis.
The Secret GOD Vs. The Evil GOD of the Bible (BANNED Knowledge) ✨
The Devil's Bible! - Forbidden History - History Documentary
The UnXplained: PROOF the Devil is Real?!
Remember that if Devils does exist so do angels, don't lose faith guys.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
Verbal, The Usual Suspects 😎
When you think good thoughts and practice good deeds, you are god, if you do the opposite, you are the devil. god and the devil are only within you, not somewhere out there.
100% or as we see. making them think he could care about them, or can make a promise and keep it, in any if they will receive any reward from him in the end. Many believe in him, but don't understand his nature. It is impossible for him to keep a promise or reward anyone. They play their self really. His character has been known for ages.
Either that or he's convinced the world that he's the good and that the true good is the bad. Funny that the most evil acts are often done in the name of God. Rarely in the name of the devil.
Gr8Incarnate Yo brother, I can’t control what you do but that’s not a good way of thinking bro God and Satan are definitely real brother do some earnest research and you’ll find the truth
My teacher said that God and Satan were in our head often fighting. God=good thoughts and Satan bad thoughts. She told us we must push bad thought away like anger, jealousy, hatred, temptation, greed so on and so fore. Keeping the good thought is keeping God close by your side so that Satan will not have the chance to creep in...
A Forbidden Letter Holds Incredible Details About Jesus!
His image is irrelevant. What truly matters is Jesus’s character and his sacrifice for humanity. He is my King and Savior. ❤️🥰🙏🙌
His spiritual beauty transcends any physical appearance, making Him beautiful no matter what He looked like 💗
My mother told me that the pictures mean nothing. She said, "They say Jesus was an ugly man, and the devil was a beautiful fallen angel to teach you a lesson to not judge people by their appearance. So the look never mattered to me. I have been blessed in many ways too many to list. My mother said my grandmother had me pray upon as a baby in her church before she died of sickness. 🙏😇
Jesus of Nazareth (1977) - The Actor Reveals Bombshell
Robert Powell's role of Christ in Jesus of Nazareth was the best performance of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the big screen, period! His performance was so powerful and convincing. It was like seeing Jesus alive on TV. I have seen the movie numerous times, and it brings me to tears. I am not surprised that the role in the movie changed him.
Well said Antony, I totally agree having watched it over 50 times as many others have. I’ve watched and respected the other actors who played the role of Jesus Christ yet as many have said no-one could deliver the powerful yet loving and authoritative role as acted by Robert Powell. As a born again Christian myself I would have found it hard to know the role had not changed him, it was so strong, he had to feel it I’m sure. The best film ever watched as so many also say, very satisfying to read. Thank you. God Bless.
Francis to Be Last Pope as Catholic Church Goes Bankrupt
The implications of this will astound people because it will mean all the lies we have been told about our history will be uncovered. It will also mean the end of the fraudulent Gregorian and Jewish calendars.
The Iranians point out that the Chabad Jewish to Gregorian calendar converter only goes back to 1601, making a mockery of their claim this is the year 5784 in the Jewish calendar.
“During the conference in 1666, the Sabbateans decided to create a new calendar. The new calendar was designed in such a way that the 17th of Tammuz of 5426 coincides with the [Satanic date of] 20th of July of 1666. Therefore, they had to create two new calendars – the Israeli and Gregorian calendars.” Iranian sources say.
To understand our calendar is fake, think about this: September, October, November and December mean the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months.
A visible example of how the European Jews have been brainwashed and fooled by the Satanists is the fact they put on a skull cap of submission and pray to the wall of a fortress built by the Roman destroyers of the nation of Judea. This is to fool them into thinking they have to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and trigger a holy war with Muslims in order to rebuild their temple.
The fact is the original site of the temple is nowhere near the Mosque so, the Jews could rebuild their temple tomorrow without picking a fight with the Muslims if they wished.
These lies are all being used to try to manipulate us into fighting and destroying each other instead of looking at our secret controllers.
MI6 for its’ part sent us what amounts to the deathbed confession of Karen Hudes, the former chief lawyer for the World Bank. Hudes worked directly with the Pharaonic Octagon group leaders who used fraudulent bonds from the 1930’s to claim control over the global financial system. According to her, they told her our history is fake and that Jesus, Aristotle, Plato, etc. all lived in the Middle Ages. She died shortly after posting this video.
We cannot confirm the stuff about Jesus and Aristotle but, we do have our own evidence the history we are taught is full of lies. A friend of my mothers’ – who was a cousin of the writer Aldous Huxley- was an archaeologist who uncovered evidence of Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Newfoundland that predated Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of America by centuries. You would think this would have made headlines around the world but, instead, her work was suppressed by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. This is the tip of the iceberg of fake history.
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