First Contact - Jerry Goldsmith

2 months ago

"Sounds mean nothing without music."


Song: Main Titles
Composer: Jerry Goldsmith
Album: Star Trek: First Contact OST
Quote: Jerry Goldsmith

The three greatest movie score composers of our age team up in THE POWER OF THREE! John Williams, James Horner and Jerry Goldsmith at their very best in fifteen different movies spanning back to 1980. Buckle Up.

THE POWER OF THREE consists of 5 sections with each composer taking a turn each section. The order of the composers could be any number of combinations. I was staring at the lineup and wondering why I had back-to-back similar sounding Jerry Goldsmith going on in the middle of the Mix. I asked myself from four years ago why I set it up that way. Past Chris told me to just go with it, it has something to do with the flow of the music later on in the Mix. So, yeah, uh, let's just go with it.

But yeah, Star Trek, man. I fear it's lost without him and without Gene. But if you ever just want a taste of what Real Star Trek is really all about, just listen to this theme and get back to me. I was unable to decide between this theme and the Insurrection theme so I just put them both on, they are both magnificent in their own way. Jerry Goldsmith truly was a Master. May his vision through his music live on forever.

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