Growth In 2024

2 months ago

In June 28, 2022 we launched out on a Word. Yup, it was God speaking through three different people that I should teach the bible. And He confirmed that, well but only after 25 yrs or so of laboring in all kind of Christian manner, working in just about every ministry that I can think of, and but yet not really hitting that, you know that this is what God has called and created me to do thing. And so but if you think that God is in a hurry, considering all that is going on in these days, Nope. But also now that I am in it, I cannot keep up with the messages that He is giving me. If you think it is easy being, for example a teacher in the Ephesians sense, think about seeing, hearing, or watching anything that is seeable, hearable, or watchable getting a pile of messages from that. Oh, and don’t think that you get a break when you sleep, oh no I dream of messages, have visions of messages, why even when I am working on messages, I get other messages from that message. And no I do not ignore them and shew them away like flies as anyone of them can lead a listener to freedom and spiritual maturity so I take each and every one of them very seriously believing that they represent a word from the Lord. Now this is how I ended up with almost 400 messages in my Q just waiting for the full revelation of what God wants to say. In a couple more months I will when you consider the messages waiting to become podcast messages and those that are already messages, the number will exceed 1000. No biggie unless you consider the timeframe in which this flood of info has occurred. But you can see the timeframe will be less than 3-years. Everything in these days that I live is a potential message and I believe it will be so until He takes me home. So now 25-years of prep doesn’t sound so bad when you consider the harvest of messages and their potential to turn the world upside down. And that my friends is where you come in, but lets get on down the road before we address that.

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