12/27/24 remember, we must persist in prayer.❤️

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My Spiritual Storm Riders Are Rising!
December 16, 2024 Veronika West

I hear The Spirit say, ”As you decrease, so I will Increase. As you go lower, so I will take you higher!
For I will resist the proud and the arrogant, and those who are puffed up in their own achievements and amazing accomplishments have no part in Me!
Beloved, you have a high calling! You are My Ambassadors — My Representatives on the earth.
There is no need to hold onto the honour and recognition that the world bestows, but rather embrace the Grace that I give to the humble, for a broken and contrite heart mark those that have been chosen for true Greatness.
So, lay aside your own abilities, your plentiful resources and your fierce determination to do things in your might and human power — and let My Spirit bring you guidance.
Let My Holy Spirit pour into your life like the oil that fueled Zechariah’s lampstand.
I tell you, human weakness is no obstacle, for My Power is perfected in the face of hardships, times of difficulty and persecution.
When you are weak, I AM Strong.
Let me free you from your enemies and not with weapons, armies, horses or charioteers — but by My Power as the LORD your God!
Let My Spirit guarantee you Success and Victory in the midst of conflict and chaos.
I say to you, do not be anxious about the future!
Wars and rumours of Wars, the rising fuel prices and the cost of living, what you will eat and what you will wear?
Has not My Mercy always made a way where there seemed no way?
Has not My Grace always been sufficient for you?
And has not My Wisdom brought unexpected answers and timely solutions?
My Child, can you think of one time in your life when My Love ran out on you?
No! For did I not promise, to never — no never — no never, leave you nor abandon you?
But look! Though the Storm Clouds are gathering — fear not! For The Light of My Glory lines every dark cloud on the horizon, and My Grace flows beneath every crosscurrent.
For surely I tell you, even the contrary Winds will only accelerate you closer to the divine Destiny I have for you.
Stop leaning on your own understanding and thinking you know what is best. Each obstacle on your path and each valley on your journey only propels you higher, and takes you deeper into The Place of Promise and greater Prosperity that has been prepared for you!
I only give the greatest battles to My strongest Warriors!
I AM purposeful and deliberate in all that I do in your life. Seasons of testing and trials are inevitable, though I understand you may seek at times after a life of ease and comfort.
I know that that would be counterproductive, even destructive to the Destiny I have for you!
My ways may seem harsh and My methods controversial — and even contradictory to the ways of the World.
But — I AM more concerned about your Character, Beloved, than I AM about your comfort and ease!
A True Disciple is what I AM fashioning and forming within you. One who will see the violent winds and the raging waves, and will fearlessly and courageously step out of the boat to talk on the eaters with me.
One who has no fear of man, but will walk into the Fiery Furnace with Me — one whom I can trust, in which to manifest My Glory on the Earth.
So Beloved, be patient, hold fast though the days are getting darker, the Light of My Glory is getting brighter, and know that sufferings and afflictions are all working towards a consuming Glory — a Glory that shall diminish the darkness!
Therefore, lift up your voices — not in complaining or in unbelief — but in high Praises coming from a heart full of Hope, Expectation and Faith.
Rejoice in the Victory promised but not yet seen.
Celebrate in advance for the Triumph that is already yours!
Let the sound of a New Song fill and shift the atmosphere of doubt and fear, Satan cannot stand in the presence of Praise, his demonic assignments are cut down, and his evil deeds are dismantled and demolished.
Finally, beloved Mighty Overcoming Ones, let this day, not be a day of lethargy and passivity, regrets and complacency — but let this be the hour when you arise as Mt Spiritual Storm Riders.
As you place your life under My Loving Hand, I will lift you up and strengthen your bones.
Only believe — that I AM forming and fashioning you for higher things — to Rule and Reign from Heavenly Places, that you may take the land I have allotted to you as your Kingdom Inheritance!
I say, Take it! Take it now — and occupy till I come!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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