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x231a: Wendy Bell Radio - On Day One

2 months ago

Wendy Bell Radio 12/27 - On Day One

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  • 0/2000
  • US Education system 👎🏼

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  • This isn't an accurate portrayal of what's going on at X right now. Elon is claiming America needs more H-1B visas to fill job roles Americans aren't taking, but H-1B visas aren't selecting for "genius talent" (that's an O1 visa). You can search on the DHS website, H-1B has openings from 7-11 workers and custodians to entry-level accountants and architecture *internships*, all of these are positions which countless Americans are qualified to fill. Elon simply wants cheaper labor that will put in long hours (many of them were bragging about 90-100 hour work weeks) and have no avenue to complain about it since their visa would be held by their employer. This is just another part of the Great Replacement that Americans voted AGAINST this past November.

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  • Hey 👋 MURPH, They Should Be Pay’in For American Citizens School’in THERE ARE PLENTY OF OUTSTANDING AMERICAN ENGINEERS WRITING ALGORITHMS & HAVE THEIR OWN BUSINESSES I don’t believe these people are smarter than some of the American younger generation who study these things, and went to school for them already !!

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  • Thank you!

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