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Raheem Kassam Blasts Tech Oligarchs For Censoring Anti-Immigration Invasion Voices

2 months ago

Aired On: 12/27/2024


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  • H1-B Visas = Wage suppression/DEI programs. This needs to be shutdown now ❗️

  • The H1-B VISA program needs to be cut ✂️ back drastically. There are way too many American citizens unemployed/underemployed.

  • The culture is a direct reflection of the government. And all the funding to create it. FUCK FAILURE MIKE JOHNSON.

  • OK - people need to stop saying this is all for "cheap labor." Like broken borders, its part of the great replacement. Practically every tech firm is run by Asians who were greased up the management ladder. Then they tell Americans things like the 1st Amendment is "irrelevant now" (as said by pre-Musk Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal". Keep in mind a lot of the Asian born managers/CEO came from countries with no free speech and the blob likes these types running things. What censorship? Hire a foreign born manager with no qualms about censoring. Also, Trump pulled the rug from under people with "Dreamers." He said (2016) he would end DACA and then (after election) said he couldn't do it. That's how he lost Ann Coulter. She saw DACA reversal as akin to Bush Sr's "No new taxes" broken promises. However, it is a fact that US education is broken and Asian companies like TSMC can't find qualified US workers for US plants they build (AZ). The lunatics running US education drive males away from college. Can't learn making processors at home. Hire Americans and fix the toxic US education dump. The best cpu engineer is still an American named Jim Keller but the swamp wants to make sure US has no more like him. "Jim Keller: The Future of Computing, AI, Life, and Consciousness" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4hL5Om4IJ4re.

  • I was also warning against the BigTech billionaires' attempt to derail the Trump agenda with smooth taking and economic talking points... BigTech needs to be broken, NOT listened to.

  • I told Elon my family came here Nov 17, 1621 on the Fortune ship. I have dozens of graves in the Revolutionary War, they were 20 miles from Concord. Founding a nation is a pretty big deal. The arrogance of those cretins is real. Tesla brought workers in from Eastern Europe to build the paint shop in the Fremont, CA factory. They lived in a warehouse and slept on cots. They were paid $5 per hour, at the time American workers made $52 hr for the same (but better) work. This is not about dumb and lazy. This is about money Bro. Vivek owns a biotech company that had a huge failure with an Alzheimer's drug. Is that because he is lazy and dumb?

  • I commented during the election run that Vivek would have a bias problem on immigration. It is now clear that there is a deep state, globalist plan that has been in place for years with government, corporations, teachers unions, and colleges and universities, and the media, to push American citizens out and replace them with foreign workers. Vivek covers those from India and O'Biden and Musk are controlled by China. Trump needs to ensure MAGA he is not confused on this, and he does not support the H1-Visa program endorsed by Musk or Vivek.

  • Thank you gentlemen, this is very reassuring. I've had grave concerns about Elon right from the beginning. Did everyone suddenly forget he's the head of Tesla with all its ties to the CCP? EV sales worldwide are declining. Does everybody think Musk is just going to sit back and do nothing as his multi-billion dollar business goes down the drain or will he use his connections to the Trump admin and try and gain an unfair advantage, just like he's done the whole way with Tesla?

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  • Too bad Vicky weighed into the cultural war thing, which has plenty of trashing that can be done on both sides. Muted and ignored comment by Vik on X: “ As a beneficiary of Soros money, try telling hard working Americans holding down 2-3 jobs that they lack a work ethic. For an Indian-born take on Indian culture, read this: https://shorturl.at/vYTa5 “ Hb-1 visas are an element of predatory capitalism. Tech bros = Vicky who benefits from Soros money, Elon from gov handouts to keep his ventures alive (while his headless cars are crashing into humans, maiming and killing them) and both from juicing up their projects by cuddling up to Trump, who thinks that Gates and everybody just want to be his “friend.” Somebody pass on the message to the Don: they don’t wanna be friends, and hb1 visas are a form of predatory capitalism that needs to be halted. No, no green cards stapled to foreigner’s diplomas. Sane countries looking out for their people first make sure that jobs given to foreigners are not jobs for which there is a qualified citizen deserving an equitable, market dynamics decided fair salary.

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  • Elon needs to go.

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  • I would like to purchase the book but since I never received the DVD I paid for, I won't.

  • The end goal is no workers. AI

  • Culture need be destroyed in order to subvert the constitution and take away your rights and Arms.. then the autocrats can rule their slaves, lambs for the slaughter, sheeple, kinda like GAZA??

  • Continuum

  • The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again (Shepperton Studios / 1978) Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDfAdHBtK_Q>