Luigi fights back against Health Insurance

6 days ago

They Put a 🧢 on our 💉anesthesia refusing to show face & just shrug us off while they get rich off our illnesses. Til Luigi came & took out 1of the big dogs. Now that they see they’re not untouchable they got all scared & took back their statements, sayin the ppl were spreading misinformation & we misunderstood what they meant💀 So they’re gonna just scrub the new procedure they had already announced to the world & go back to the original anesthesia protocol leaving things as they originally were😂💀 #FunnyAf #LifelsAMovie #JohnQ #Matrix #UPrayOnTheSick
#UTreatNotCure #BanNaturalHerbs #ThatCureButGiveUs☠️ #PrayerDoesntWork
#ButBulletsDo #FiteEvilWithEvil #UHaveNoRemorse #SoYShudWe #FreeLuigee #BanMickyDs #SnitchesGetStiches #ItsWeThePpl #NotUTheSystem #TippinDaScalesOfPower⚖️ #OneCeoAtATime #ThingsChangeWenWe #StandUp4Ourselves #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall

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