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The David Knight Show -12/27/2024

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Welcome... Today, on the David Knight Show, guest host Gardner Goldsmith (MRCTV, Liberty Conspiracy on Rumble, Rokfin, M-F at 6 PM) explores Amazon's utterly foolish Christmas decision to, get this, remove nearly 20 minutes of the film classic, "It's A Wonderful Life", he chats with auto expert and freedom advocate, Eric Peters, of EricPetersAutos dot com, and he looks at the latest move by Joe Biden to weave more Climate Cult fascism into the US economy while simultaneously making it harder for residents of Texas to get affordable energy. Thank you for watching and sharing the links, and please tell others about the live show and TheDavidKnightShow dot Com!


  • 0/2000
  • I know as a firefighter we did not pay into social security but into a pension. However, we would not qualify for social security or Medicare UNLESS we worked a second job and paid into social security to earn enough points. Many firemen worked second jobs for years but when they became eligible to receive social security, the money they paid into the government from their second jobs was limited by the their pensions so they could not receive the social security they otherwise would deserve. Government has pocketed that money for years. Working two jobs helped get the Medicare and a minimal payment from social security. SO, now those who worked second jobs and were taxed like everyone else will not have their social security limited because of the pension they also worked for and earned. If you work the hours, you should get the benefits based on what you contributed like everyone else.

  • Thank you Gardner. Very interesting and informative indeed.

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  • 2008 housing crisis, why? Fannie Mae buys the mortgages from banks and aggregators. Packages them into MBS and sells them on Wall Street. Wall Street buys them and splits them into 4 CDOs based on expected yield from duration. AIG insures the CDOs and the rating agencies declare them AAA securities. Then the housing market crashes and AIG and banks get bailed out. House prices collapse and Wall Street buys them up for bennies on the dollar and wait for the market to come back and makes a killing selling them. Now the housing market is far more leveraged than it was back then and Fannie Mae has guaranteed against a certain level of loss. Now the USA taxpayers are on the hook for the losses because Fannie Mae is owned by the government. There is no money to cover it because the the government is printing $2 trillion a year and buying US treasuries and bonds. The federal reserve owns $9 trillion of it and it is worth 45% less than they paid for it. We are in dangerous times and I think States will issue their own currency. Texas has created its own currency that has actual gold embedded in the notes.

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  • Thanks for having me on, Gard!

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  • Solid backup to the knight show. Great information done with taste. Thanks for a great show and keeping us informed..Always like hearing from Gardener....Merry christmas David and family...

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  • Let’s boycott Amazon. Bastards

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  • "How did we get this bad" you ask... Anarchist advocate literally opting out instead of literally fighting back. That's how! This govt needs to be removed for its covid agenda. Arguing all this other stuff detracts from that. The govt is coercing private property owners into denying the public service who do not comply/ submit ie no buying food/earlting. Thus most importantly defend the market from funding from force, from crime, govt, or otherwise Apologies for saying screw your beef. I'm severely censored so it's frustrating

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pie_in_the_sky

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pipe_dream

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wheeling_and_dealing

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/deal_with_the_devil

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Faustian_bargain#English

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hashtag

  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/plain_English

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curious_George