Wheel of Fortune and Acceptance Energy vlog

2 days ago

Wheel of Fortune and Acceptance Energy vlog title is from the date December 26, 2024 thus 46 which gives us # 10 The wheel of fortune with bin g Karmic change. Acceptance is from the divine abundance Oracle card pulled today Radical acceptance in the ever present now opens the flow.

Schumann Resonance today Disclosure News showed us an amplitude of 14 at 10:45 Am UTC thus the Sun in Capricorn has been tempered by the clouds. The quality at a power of 8 thus the strength card telling us to bestrong a nd brave as we face our demons. The frequency average is 7.74 hertz thus # 18 Thye AMoon which is in the sign of Scorpio and it squares Pluto the ruler of scorpio which is in the sign of Aquarius.
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