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"Shining Ones" (metal version)

2 months ago

This Music video called the "Shining Ones" is about ALL the sons of God the Most High who were created in the pure light of Creation as "Morning Stars/Shining Ones!", but some of them rebelled and were cast away into the earth realm by Yahuah for there treachery. The Most High God called "Yahweh" which is shortened version of "Yahuah" or "Yahuvah". God is Pure Light and is known as the source of all Light in Creation, which is confirmed by scripture and also the ancient translations of the Hebrew word for "Shining One" is "nachash" or "ha nachash" which means "The Shining One". Jesus is known as a "Shining One", This is also where Lucifer gets his name from which means "Light Bringer" or "Bearer"/Morning Star. Jesus is also quoted as referring to himself as the "Bright Morning Star" in Revelation 22:16. John wrote in the New Testament that "God is Light, and in him is no darkness at all". Read 1 John 1:15 or John 1:4-5. Also read Job 38:7 in the OT which speaks to the "Morning Stars". All things, Life and or "Sons" that were created by Yahuah are pure Divine Light, it just so happens that some of these "Sons" fell from grace into Earths lower dimension and are now known as the "Fallen Angels" or why we are told that Satan can appear as an "Angel of Light", makes sense since Satan(Adversary) could appear as an Angel of Light since he was created in this natural form of a "Shining One"/"Morning Star" and or their offspring which are "Demons". Like and follow and for more interesting content check out my main Rumble page at the link below.


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