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Panama Canal - Changes Ahead?

2 months ago

The Universe was asked if the 1977 Treaty that gave control of the Panama Canal might be found to have been violated, and provide a true basis for renegotiation of the treaty and operation of the Panama Canal, plus additional insight and information.
Published December 26, 2024

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  • 0/2000
  • I recall as a kid my dad being furious with Carter in giving away our canal. The U.S. paid for it and made it useable for many countries. Awful leadership the last 48 yrs!

  • Love you Laura! My husband and I listen to all your videos and you are our best news source by far! Thank you for your service to our country and your service to humanity ❤️ Love & Light

  • I'm panamenian and let me tell yo that if all of the technologies that have being mentioned get realeased the canal will not be necesary, the other part is that a take over will not be so simple since panama have made an expansion of the canal very considerable that is the component that allow post panamax ships to use de canal the other part is that panama have always being influenced by the us so really the canal have never being neutral, do you really belive that if there is a war the us will allow any ships of any king even if they're commercial to use the canal things might have change in the las years specially during pandemia there is a lot of chinesse influence so it change probably from us to china that could be. we did have an issue with china wanting to put the embassy in one of the entrance of the canal and the people didn't allow it a canal in nicaragua have sever issues including earthquakes and ortega, china already try about ten years ago and the investors retired from the proyect

  • If he mentions it, done deal.

  • fun topic- read! LOVE the idea of creating jobs down there

  • Thank you for the added dimension about the Panama Canal. Still more good to look forward to in 2025. We appreciate you, how nice it is to listen to an authentic person. You are a model of what our new world will be. Keep informing us as December comes to a close. Thanks again......

  • Please listen to the below post from Twitter thank you

  • Any parent is a negotiator.

  • Always fantastic hearing your readings and opinions no matter where I can find you LOL🌻

  • I can't imagine anyone from our three letter agencies willing to do honest physical work. Hell, they might get a blood blister on their manicured hands from wielding a shovel or a pick!

  • https://x.com/davidjsorensen/status/1857943806211142080?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1857943806211142080%7Ctwgr%5Ec0ce9be23cd12a1fad6010e7cda2e36dc2466bf5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tarotbyjanine.com%2Fproducts%2Ftarot-by-janine-community%2Fcommunity%2Ffeed

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  • You are my news now 😉😁

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  • Another Great read Laura! Thank you! Love and Light and Everything Bright!

  • thanks Laura...very good read....

  • my uncle was stationed there during WW2.i have his hat as a gift to his brother, my dad, , so happy this is happening.. benefit to the world.. thank you for this great reading.. always enjoy,,