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Trump Drops SAVAGE Christmas Message, Seems DEAD SERIOUS About Taking Over Canada & H1B Visa Outrage

2 months ago

This news is totally insane.


  • 0/2000
  • How can Biden legally grant clemency to anyone when he was deemed not mentally fit to stand trial?

  • Retribution is how the demonrats spell accountability.

  • I do not care what any politician says, including Trump. What they do is all they are.

  • Jeremy, you gotta know that President Trump did not "run on" "lock her up." he said "you'd be in jail," and then after that, his crowds chanted "lock her up." President Trump did not say it, himself

  • If they're here illegally, they must go immediately. Period, end of story. If they leave now of their own accord, they can apply for citizenship after 5 years. If they are forcefully deported, they can never apply.

  • Is Jeremy censoring the word "hell" for youtube?

  • Upsetting the soyed out losers on Christmas day. I love Trump.

  • 🧐🤔😳 At 12:43 - The "travel ban" wasn't based on demographics, majority religion or race or system of government, it was based on whether or not their country told us the details about the people applying for US visas. The "Muslim Travel Ban" was another PSYOP by the Uniparty intended to outrage the gullable. So, yeah, cancel visas and bar entry (re-entry) if we can't vet them. 🤣😘😎

  • FJB. He will be going to Hell with the unrepentant murderers he pardoned. Let history show and remember all the shit things Biden did on the way out the door.

  • Do you want China to run the North American Union, or Trump. Easy choice. Now you know why the borders have been open. There is no border.

  • If we (Trump) eliminated the North and South border and took over Canada and Mexico while negotiating peace deals with the rest of the world and eliminating the globalists desire to take over the world.... The possibilities would become unlimited.

  • Trump needs to rot out Israel aipac labists first before he tries to take Canada big fight from Canadians

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  • My family is devastated by the loss of my mom to Cancer on Christmas eve, however they all say the same thing "Well here's to hoping Trump makes the country more livable and helps people like us".

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  • Don't want Canada, too ridiculously liberal, it would give the commies too much power...

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  • 1 Corinthians 5:5 KJV To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Hopefully, rock bottom helps someone look up to God and consider changing their dead end ways that brought them to such a path of misery. I think he is serious. If the north and south are going to be lax and not care about the security risk to USA that their sloppy border work causes, then President Trump will make offers and deals to protect and shore up security of USA in north and south. Greenland is part of the arctic silk road train thing, if I'm not mistaken. That arctic train planned by China would connect the world and sometimes not being connected is a good thing for people who have different values, such as freedom, protecting private property, etc. So, that is also part of the security of USA. It would be nice if we lived in a live and let live world. Fact is, smaller nations are easily taken over and abused by communist type governments, or they can have a mutually beneficial relationship with a government that was founded upon freedom, private property. Sure, there is corruption in ALL forms, but at least one, (Christian based, 2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV) was founded upon and is trying to protect freedom and private property.