Merry Christmas -602

3 months ago

For Muslims, the Quran is the Word of God. However, Allah dependent of the Christian faith affirms that the Messiah Jesus is the Word of God (Quran 4.171; 19.34). But Jesus is not the Quran. Therefore, one of the two is not the Word of God. How can it be recognized ? Can it be a book in itself, like any other object, dead and silent ? Or can it be more perfect than a person, living and able to communicate ? Have the prophets brought a book, or have they spoken in the Name of God before that their words were put in writing so as not to be lost ? If God has spoken through the humanity of prophets, why would He not have led His revelation to its perfection by speaking to us no longer through a borrowed humanity, but through His own, received from the Virgin Mary ? Merry Christmas !

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