Russia Abandoned the Law. Don't Let Europe Follow its Footsteps...

26 days ago

After the events in Eastern Europe that started almost three years ago, the world realized Russia is following the tot@litarian path.
Yet what the world know just a bit is how Russia treats its own innocent and peaceful citizens.
Those who might have too peaceful views, strive for unity and address the real climate threat. I am talking about ALLATRA volunteers.
While European media are telling you blatant lies about the ALLATRA being some pro-Russian organization, its ex-particinats in this country are being prosecuted and detained. While Russia is the only country in the world where the movement is banned officially.
So, who is pro-Russian now? Maybe those medias sharing false defamatory narratives? Listen to the most recent news to know the full story.

#freedom #humanrights #ALLATRA #whatisallatra

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