Shiba Inu Adorably Enjoys His Puppuccino

6 years ago

Nothing is cuter than watching a dog enjoy his treats, especially when he gets his nose stuck in the cup. The dog looks to have quite the sweet tooth quickly licking the entirety of the cup. This cute dog, a Shiba Inu named Mushu, is shown enjoying a Puppuccino, which is whipped cream in a cup, from the popular coffee chain Starbucks. Mushu, with his tail wagging and diving nose first into the drink, looks like he’s enjoying himself. How Adorable!

Puppuccinos are on the Starbucks secret menu and become popular in 2016. The drink consists only of whipped cream in a cup, which is generally safe for dogs, in addition to being really cute! There has been safety concerns over whether these treats should be given to dogs. The whipped creams holds no nutritional value, and the dairy within the cream may upset dogs' stomachs, in addition to the fats and the sugars present within the cream that may cause other health problems. While one should not give their dog whipped cream as an everyday occurrence, due to these concerns, its generally safe and a fun treat to be able to take your dog on your coffee run with you.

Mushu is a Shiba Inu, an adorable breed of dog originating from Japan. The Shiba Inu can be translated from Japanese as “little brushwood dog” due to the dog’s original breeding purpose as a mountainous hunting dog and the dog’s small stature. The dogs have been known to hunt small prey especially small rabbits and birds that originally lived in the mountainous regions of Japan. In addition, Shiba Inu have been known to sometimes show aggression towards other dogs, this has been attributed towards the dog’s independent nature, and their strong prey drive. Although these attributes, Shiba Inu are nevertheless family dogs, and enjoy being at home with other small dogs or young children. Though these attributes, Mushu the dog doesn’t look ferocious while enjoying his Puppuccino, only adorable!

Mushu looks delighted to be able to share a treat with his owner. The Puppuccino seems like a great way to take your dog out to the coffee shop with you and enjoy a special cute treat. While you are enjoying your coffee, your beloved dog can also enjoy his treat! Hopefully Mushu won’t be too messy in the car while he’s nose first in his drink. Shiba Inus have been known to keep very fastidiously clean, and take pride in the cleanliness of their coat. Shiba Inu have been seen licking their paws and coat clean in order to maintain their state. Hopefully Mushu won’t be too messy!

What did you think of the video? Do you have a lovable pet that you like to spend time with? Will you take your dog to enjoy a Puppuccino? Be sure to tell us about your pet in the comments down below! If you enjoyed the video be sure to share it with your friends, especially if they’re fellow pet lovers!

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