1 day ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Peace peace peace to my children.
My love for you is greater than any sea, deeper than any trench. (I heard MARIANA TRENCH, the worlds deepest trench). My love is forever.
To those who are not mine, I come with a sword, I come as a lion, to punish the unrighteous, to right the wrongs, bring truth and expose the lies.
I have waited long enough for those who have come, but, my father has not sent me for my Bride, not yet.
When this happens,(the rapture of the Bride, first watch, first rescue mission), millions will disappear without a trace. The world will be in an upheaval. They will not have an explanation for this, even though “they” know where She went. They will lie to the masses. They will tell them the aliens took them far away. This will be accepted by the masses.
The world will look for a trusted leader at that time. When he steps on to the world stage, he will speak of great plans and offer solutions to quell the fear of those who are left. Just like covid-19, the masses will embrace him and his plans. They will comply. Anyone who does not, this will be many, they will be social outcasts. The masses will do his bidding for him, as at that point, they will be for the beast and his system. They will accept his mark and the destruction of their souls. This group has already rejected my son. They want nothing to do with him, therefore, I turn them over to a reprobate mind and satan’s devices.
To those who are left, suddenly they will realize they too rejected my Son, not because of him, because they did not believe. This unbelief was caused because of hypocrites and most churches having a pagan/ satanic bend. It will be a deep sorrowful realization. Their road will be difficult. At this time my father’s wrath will pour out in waves one after another. Fear will engulf those who rejected my Son. They will wish to die as their solution, but, they will not die.
They, the fallen ones do live among you. The UFOs are real, but, the diversion UFOs are causing confusion and justifying the media’s lack of reporting and truthfulness.
They come through portals, other dimensions.
There is much hidden from you because you believe their lies.
Come to me, I will reveal myself to those who are sincere. I love my creation, but, my word must be fulfilled.
Ready or not here I come.

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