
3 months ago

We only did 3 movements, and my legs were
•RDLs - 245lbs • 3 sets x5 reps |1 set xfailure
(controlled negatives)
-> Focus on having good form .. form is more
important than weight. As you perform the
movement, your core and lats should be
engaged the entire time. You do NOT need to
work a large range of motion (ROM). Your ROM
should match your mobility. Trying to push
your ROM deeper than your mobility, will cause
your lower back to take over instead of your glutes doing majority of the work.
Goblet Squat- 25lb KBs . 3 sets x12 reps
(heels elevated - controlled negatives)
-> Elevating your heels is going to allow you to
engage and work your quads more. Notice my
knees are pushing over my toes, and I am
controlling the squat all the way down and up.
Holding the kettlebells (KBs) like this, will force
you to engage and work your core.
•Bulgarian Split Squat - 50lb DBs .3 sets x5
reps (controlled negative w/a pause)
-> Notice my form. I am not rushing through
the set. I am embracing every rep. I as squat 54.5K
down, my core is tight and stays engaged. I am
bushing my hips back .. knee does not go over
my toes. Form > Weight
Once you master having good form
consistently throughout your set, THEN you
can focus on going heavier and pushing weight
I have 3 - 4 week training programs available for ONLY $5! You can shop these programs
using the link in my bio!

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