Robert DeNiro losing acting jobs, Joe and Kamala are corrupt, Vets forced to give fatal vaccines

1 month ago

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fidalgowraf354 on TikTok - Robert DeNiro could have just continued to act and stay out of politics but he chose to talk down to Americans and what they value so now his acting career seems to be ending in disgrace as he loses jobs repeatedly 🤑

An animation by false.excitement showing how out of touch Justin Trudeau in Canada is 🙄

aquarius_waive on TikTok talks about how he's glad that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were in office because now the World is awake to the amount of corruption that has been happening for decades 🤡 🌎💩

noyamusic on TikTok - Man sees an angel and is not having any part of it due to the pandemic and food prices 🤪

truthseeker_rin on Tiktok - Veterinarians are forced to give the same dosage of rabies vaccines to all animals regardless of their size even though it could be fatal 😧

A clip from 🎬 Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (1964) 🎅🏻

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