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15 seconds

Black Angus

2 months ago

an Eric Leiser fly
recipe from The Founding Flies by Mike Valla and The Book of Fly Patterns by Eric Leiser

Hook: #2 - 4 heavy long streamer heavy weighted from 1/4 inch behind eye to half way down shank
Thread: black
Underbody: black floss to cover shank and weighted wire
Tail: four black rooster hackle feathers length of shank, flared
Body: black marabou wound on entire shank in soft hackle method
Head: black deer, spun and clipped

Head cement recipe:
Xylene (epoxy thinnner)

Fill a quart jar half full with Xylene
Squeeze a tube of Goop into the Xylene
Shake until the Goop is dissolved; add Xylene to desired consistency

Apply with a pin or needle dipped in the liquid


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