Judge Joe Brown and Jessie Lee Peterson interview

21 days ago

Judge Joe Brown and Jessie Lee Peterson interview, has a common sense talk, thank God black and white America and all over the world nosiness of the left that have hoodwinked people from the 1960's are waking up not "woke" that is actually asleep. but waking up to the fact lies to the very people we thought were heroes and "idols" now are fallen like false idols they were. Judge Joe brown a well read individual, dismantles American history in such a great way, as a brit we know the lies pushed here, America, the west in general, I'll be doing my own podcasts in 2025. it's a must watch interview, one of the best Jessie Lee Peterson had on his show so far, do your own research always, and as always give this channel some love gibe a like sub and share, you help me out so much if you do.

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