Geoffrey Hinton says that while AI could lead to a huge increase in productivity,

18 days ago

it could ultimately make things worse as the benefits accrue only to the rich, providing fertile ground for fascism...
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About the (placeholder) photo: Odds of 'smarter than human' AI wiping out mankind are 50 percent or greater, physicist warns. Scientists worldwide are raising concerns about the potential dangers of advancing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, warning that it could lead to humanity's downfall. Physicist and machine learning researcher Max Tegmark recently highlighted the risk of AI development proceeding unchecked, estimating a 50 percent or higher chance of highly advanced AI causing human extinction. Tegmark compared the scenario to past extinctions caused by the actions of the most intelligent species on Earth, emphasizing the need to prevent machines from surpassing human control. His views echo those of other experts, including British-Canadian computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton, known as the "Godfather of AI," who warned that AI could become more intelligent than humans and potentially seize control.
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