Yale Study Confirms One Billion Vaxxed Now Have 'Full Blown VAIDS'

19 days ago

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🚨 Yale Study Confirms One Billion Vaxxed Now Have 'Full Blown VAIDS'

Have you noticed something unusual about the vaccinated? The greyish pallor in the face, the persistent brain fog, the mood swings, the relentless exhaustion, and their struggle to fight off even the mildest cold or flu?

You’re not alone - these disturbing observations are being reported worldwide.

And now, a groundbreaking Yale study has confirmed what many feared: Covid vaccines wreak havoc on the immune system, causing a condition known as VAIDS. That’s right - vaccine-induced autoimmune deficiency.

But here’s the twist - Yale is so ashamed of their own findings, they’re scrambling as we speak to bury this bombshell study. We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen, because what’s at stake isn’t just the truth - it’s the future of humanity itself.

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