SLOBODNI podcast #99 Jaffrey A. Tucker-"Grat Barrongton declaration"

19 days ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ pandemijska politika je od kraja 2020. godine ima svoju alternativu koja je sadržana u dokumentu pod nazivom "Great Barrington declaration". Potpisali su je preko 950 tisuća znanstvenika, doktora i medicinskih djelatnika iz cijelog svijeta. Da smo je primjenili kao službenu politiku danas se ne bi ni sjećali da je bila pandemija.
🙏 Treat us to a coffee☕ pandemic policy has had its alternative since the end of 2020, which is contained in a document called the "Great Barrington Declaration". It was signed by over 950 thousand scientists, doctors and medical workers from all over the world. If we had implemented it as an official policy, today we would not even remember that there was a pandemic.

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