Final Fantasy VII: Merging the Timelines Part III - Cissnei

7 hours ago

**** THIS NOT SPOILER FREE*** PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK**** Welcome back to the Channel with the new Evercrisis First Soldier Part II being released... are you finally seing it! What I've been screaming from the rooftops for the last two years!! Jenova is controlling SEPHIROTH! but.... today isn't about that. It's about my true love Cissnei!

As we did in our previous videos we are going to be discussing how Before Crisis Cissnei and Crisis Core Reunion Cissnei has now Merged into our Timeline! The One Timeline!

We all know Cissnei is not in FFVII OG but we also know with the release of FFVII(R) that she has met Cloud before but does not tell him when or where!?! But as True FFVII Fans we know they met when Zack was escaping with Cloud from Shinra Manor to get back to Gongaga and Cissnei provides us the motorbike to escape.

We now have confirmation that, THAT SAME CISSNEI is the Cissnei from FFVII(Rebirth) meaning we have Merged her over to our timeline! Because she was NOT even a pixel in FFVII OG but is not CANON!

In this episode I'll also delve into a couple of other ideas about Cloud's Dream (which I discussed in previous videos) which seems to be gaining some steam since his mention of "Don't look Up" psychosis at the end of FFVII Rebirth and his mind projection of a dead Aerith around him and his friends.

Buckle up for one heck of a ride because the next set of Videos are going to be the following as we take one step back from merging the Timelines for a couple episodes.

1. Who is Viceroy Saruf?
2. A deeper dive into Rufus Shinra (and his .... past)
3.Where is the Scar? (You are going to love this one, as it is a nail in the coffin to the debate about are we in a dream or not... which YES... Don't trust CLOUD!!)
4. Why Aerith Loves Cloud
5. Zack and Cissnei - True Love ( a look at the DMW- Digital Mind Wave)

We will be jumping back into the Merging the Time:
Essai and Sebastian (Merging Before Crisis into Crisis Core)

Cant wait to share the upcoming videos with you all!! Let's argue about it in the comments.

Nomura Confirming this is NOT FFVII OG- but a new game/story

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